Electives - (Full Year Course - Select 1)
Band - This class is for anyone interested in learning a musical instrument (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, tuba, or percussion) and having fun making music as a team. ANY student may join band. No experience or instrument ownership is required. Band teaches students how to play an instrument, read music, work as a team, and perform with artistry and confidence. Full band playing is emphasized, with the opportunity for solo and small ensemble playing. Players with no experience (or less than one year of experience) should sign up for Beginning Band. Players with one year (or more) of instruction should sign up for Advanced Band. This class has two or more performances throughout the year both in school and out of school. (This class does NOT conflict with after school athletics)
Choir - This class is for anyone with an interest in singing. No audition necessary. Students will learn to sing with the correct approach to breath support, tone production, diction, balance, blend, and more. The choir(s)will perform 3-4 formal concerts throughout the year. Students will learn about their voice, voice change, and how to sing in harmony. Students will also learn sight-singing, basic music theory, and the joy of music and have a blast!
Orchestra - Orchestra is a class and community of musicians in which students learn to make music together and to work as a team while also having a lot of fun! Students in Orchestra learn one of the four orchestra string instruments: violin, viola, cello, or bass. Seventh grade orchestra is our beginning class which gets students started in learning to play a string instrument. The 7th grade performs in two concerts during the school year. In 8th grade students continue learning new skills on their instruments and also have more opportunities to perform. The 8th grade does three performances during the school year with additional optional opportunities for students. Students do not need any prior musical experience to sign up for orchestra. Orchestra does not conflict with any school sports or other school activities.
Chromebook Repair and Maintenance - This class is for students who have a service mindset and want to aid in keeping their classmates in working Chromebooks. Students learn to troubleshoot and repair many hardware items pertaining to student chromebooks. When not working directly with a chromebook in need of repair, students are given a variety of research projects to aid in understanding the cost effectiveness of repairing versus replacing a broken chromebook as well as exploring a variety of STEM careers and other technology ideas.
Media Experience - This class is for students who want to work to build school spirit and keep everyone informed through a variety of media design projects including: team locker signs, Facebook posts, digital announcements and building the school yearbook. Students will experience creating in Veed.IO, Pixlr, Adobe, Canva and Google Slides. (This is a service class that strives to meet the varied media needs of BMS.)
Study Hall - This class is for students who need extra time at school to complete homework.