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Related Arts

Related Arts (Rotation of One Course Per Nine Weeks)

Art - The following courses of art are offered in the seventh and eighth grades:

  • 7th Grade Art - This nine-week mandatory course introduces the basic elements and principles of art mainly through two-dimensional projects.  Some of the topics that will be covered include: painting, perspective drawing, grid drawing, color theory, and art history. Students will do at least one 3-D ceramic project of various complexity. 

  • 8th Grade Art - This nine-week mandatory course continues the study of the basic elements and principles of art mainly through two and three-dimensional projects and written work. Students will work on longer-term projects that further their artistic skills and creativity. Topics covered will include: collage, painting, shading, tie dying, figure drawing, perspective drawing and portraiture.  Students usually do at least two ceramic projects of greater complexity than 7th grade.  


Physical Education (7th grade) - Physical Education introduces students to activities that emphasize the importance of movement and physical activity in their lives. Students learn the basic rules, skills, and strategies that challenge the students in many ways. This class helps develop skills outside of physical fitness including problem solving, critical thinking, leadership, communication, accountability, and work ethic. No matter what the ability level of the student at the beginning of a unit, the students are always encouraged to do their best to achieve continuous improvement.


Health (8th grade) -  This health education course will introduce students to each dimension of health. Students will explore each dimension and learn how their decisions, and the decisions of others, can impact health. Students will debunk myths, complete projects, and practice behaviors that are needed to live a healthy lifestyle. The goal of this class is to teach students the knowledge and skills needed to make healthy choices in life so that they can thrive.


Project Lead the Way (PLTW) - This course engages students in activities, projects, and problem-based learning while providing hands-on experiences in a rigorous and innovative science, technology, engineering, and mathematics curriculum.

Exploring College and Careers - This class provides students opportunities to explore their personal goals, interests, and aptitudes as they relate to career concepts, including exploring the 16 national career clusters and Indiana’s College & Career Pathways, and begin to determine what they want and expect for their future. Students learn about various traditional and nontraditional careers and gain an awareness of the level of education and type of training needed for a variety of careers and occupations. Students build good study habits, expand their technology skills, develop or update their Graduation Plans and complete a college and career readiness exam. Virtual and real life opportunities are provided for students to observe and explore various careers.